Miyako Ceramic Knives are the latest additions to my collection and my proudest discovery yet. Why? Simply for their 5 star quality at affordable prices.
Miyako Ceramics offer a good selection of ceramic knives. The decision on which ceramic knife to buy was a little difficult. Give a woman too many choices and she will never decide! 😛 I ended up purchasing the gift set directly on their website at www.miyakoceramics.com. The set included a 3 inch paring knife, a 5 inch slicing knife and a 6 inch chef’s knife for $74.99. This was a great deal considering I paid more for my 6 inch Kyocera.
The knives came in a handsome black box with foam insert. The packaging looks more like a gift box and certainly not something I would throw in the trash bin. If I didn’t already have a knife block, I would certainly use the box to store the knives.
Upon opening the box, the first thing to catch my eye were the shiny blades. They’re beautiful! There is a very polished, glossy finish to it with a reflective sheen. This gave the knives a stunning appearance, something I have not seen before in the ceramic knife industry.
The handles on these ceramic knives have a simple ergonomic design, with dips and curves in all the right places. What really caught my attention was the feel of the handle. It has a soft, velvety feel to it. The handle is so comfortable that it seems to disappear in my hands.
With all the oohhs and aahhs of its appearance, I was hoping it wasn’t just another pretty face in the ceramic knife market. I immediately put these knives through daily kitchen duty. Each knife in the 3 piece set had its fair share of work and each one performed exceptionally well. The sharpness of the ceramic knives was quite impressive. It’s on par with my Kyocera’s and sharper than every other ceramic knife I have in my collection. It easily handled everything I tried to cut with it. After 45 days of almost daily use, it has still retained its original sharpness.
Miyako Ceramics’ line of knives is one of the best value you’ll find in this market. They are skimpy on price but not skimpy on quality. It’s obvious that there was a lot of attention put into every small detail of the knives. The glossy blade, soft ergonomic handle and razor edge all add up to a fine piece of cutlery.
While I bought the knife set for its value, I expected nothing more than mediocre ceramic knives. Lo and behold, I was pleasantly surprised to have found a winner. I highly recommend these ceramic knives for anyone looking for a great set of knives that won’t break the bank.